Monday, February 8, 2010

Chronic Ulcer and hyper acidity

The acidity and reflux after ingestion of foods makes life miserable. It spoils taste and causes burning sensation in whole stomach and esophagus or food pipe. He should avoid over eating. Take only homemade meals and that too very light in digestion. Take less food as that of demand or hunger. Avoid kapalbhati pranayam. Increase water intake and take four to five liters of water daily. Dhooti karma is very -very useful for the patient of acid reflux and hyper acidity. Decrease spices and fried, fatty fast foods. Take fewer salads. Make a regular course of acidity and hyper acidity package for full treatment of your problem. This package consists of some useful herbs to regulate digestion, control acid secretion from gastric mucosa, prevents regurgitation, improves digestion, causes early emptying of stomach and protects digestive mucosa from harmful acids to avoid ulcers. Regular course of these medicines will improve your appetite and cure your acidity, flatulence and constipation sort of problems. Controlled diet and regular course of these medicines will give you very good results

Chronic Ulcer

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